DIY: a Scandinavian paper star
You've probably seen it on Instagram, after dried oranges, it's the most popular DIY for Christmas this year. Personally, I was immediately won over; why buy new when you can breathe new life into old paper bags with glue and scissors?
As I had everything on hand to execute it and my Christmas decorations were not completely finished, I quietly settled down to do it. Five minutes later I had the simplest DIY I've done in my life, but surely also one of the most beautiful.
If you do, feel free to share, we'd love to see all your stars! #surmonxstars . That would be wonderful!
- 7 brown paper bags
- glue
- chisel
To start, put a generous line of glue in the bottom of the bag, then in the middle, starting from top to bottom. Then glue the next bag on top and repeat for the 7 bags.
Once all the glued bags cut out slightly rounded tips.
Finally, unfold everything to glue the remaining ends together. Here is! That's it, you can hang a string, a ribbon, or like me simply place it on a mantelpiece or a sideboard!