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Imagine a world in which the vast majority of us went back to basics and could take the time to live well, celebrate the everyday, were able to take care of ourselves and others, and at the end of the day would feel fulfilled. .

Exhausted by the pace of modern life and seeking a less stressful lifestyle that would embody my environmental values, I decided to leave the world of retail, styling and interior design to create a platform online celebrating the art of slowing down, well-being and simple pleasures by offering simpler and more authentic ways to live, inhabit and express yourself.

We are therefore committed to inspiring you with a #slow art of living, a soft, comfortable but, above all, natural and sustainable interior where each object has a meaning and a particular story.

''On my x'' is an expression that means to be exactly where you want to be in your life and we sincerely wish that today is the first day of the life you wish to have.

on my x slow life


We hear more and more the expression “On my x”, which means that we feel exactly in the right place in our life.

There is now a site that bears this name, and it is no coincidence: it stems from the reflection initiated by the interior designer, exhausted by the frantic pace of her life.

After choosing to lead a less stressful existence focused on the slowness of daily life, the young mother created her site, both blog and shop, where she sells all kinds of eco-responsible products online.

-Sophie Ouimet, The press

on my x shop slow living