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Slow home, slow living, comment faire?

Slow home, slow living, how to do it?

The concept of slow is reaching more and more people. But the contours of this concept still seem blurred for many. The reason is very simple: there is no single good definition. It is a way of life that everyone can appropriate in their own way. I therefore want today to share with you my why and my how, as to my choices and the way in which they are articulated.

In my case, I was called by the slow, because I refused henceforth to live in a constant haste. The urgency with which I operated all the activities of my life caused me to lose two precious things: my general satisfaction with life and joy.

A slow home… why?
Obviously, one of the important aspects of slow is that it manifests itself in design, in the arrangement of spaces, in objects and in the image in general. However, all this resonates with me given my training in interior design and my passion for beauty. Being also of a homebody nature, I have such a strong emotional bond with my house that it was unthinkable for me that it was only a storage place for mass products from the fast-food industry.

So I made a list of my desires for my family nest. I wanted it: simple, soothing, comforting, meaningful and filled with fond memories. Basically, I wanted to build a place that would give us the time and space we needed to enjoy life. This is why I believe that the objects that surround us must be chosen with the greatest care and thus magnify our daily lives. Well, that's exactly what my slow house gives me: when I lay my eyes on this perfect antique oak sideboard that took me a year and a half to find, I love it and then this crockery in porcelain that I find so soft and elegant and which enhances each of our meals, I feel this gratitude that the majority of things bought on the "fly" will never give me.

How did I get there?
To be able to create this place was first a mental process. That of saying no, because for me that's the basis of slow. We are constantly running after our time, we don't even have 5 minutes to do something that makes us feel good so imagine how sad life can be! I've come this far, but now I've learned to protect my time and that saying no is saying yes to something else. For example, saying no to an outing that tempts us more or less creates time to do the little things we love and never do.

Well it's the same for the house, I think we should say yes only to what makes us vibrate, then we say no to everything that is not a YESIIIIIIIII coming from the heart. In a world where everything goes at breakneck speed, where you can have a date in a click, a thingy the next day on Amazon, or a meal in 2 minutes, none of this makes real sense and is satisfying. On the contrary, the art of expectation, desire and patience brings meaning and satisfaction! And for me, that's the slow life. A life that, despite the speed of the outside world, brings me deep satisfaction!

Have a guideline, know what we like and really do us good to make room for it. As much in everyday life as at home, that's what makes you feel a little more satisfied at the end of the day, you've made authentic choices and you have the home and the life of which we dream. It's a process, of course, but one that's well worth starting.

So will you try?
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