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Practice your slow attitude even on vacation

Yes, the construction holidays have well and truly begun and the majority of us will be absent from work for the next few weeks. Ye! To continue living according to the principles of the slow movement , here are some tips to help you achieve this.

1. Try the staycation

More and more popular the "staycation", a portmanteau word from the verb "stay" (to stay) and the noun "vacation" (holidays) simply designating the fact of staying at home or in one's region during one's vacation . First, there is the economic aspect of the thing, because we avoid high exchange rates and the cost of plane tickets. Then, it allows you to discover more in depth our beautiful and vast region and to appreciate its richness.
The staycation also saves transport time, and that's a little extra that helps you relax, because less rushed you can take the time to enjoy and live the moment. Then, the ecological repercussions of this type of trip are also minimized due to the short trip that it generates and that we love it!

2. Practice slow tourism

The what ? Yes, the slow can apply no matter what you do. The press was talking about it recently, saying this: “It's about avoiding itineraries that are set to the quarter turn. We put back on the agenda the desire to do less in a day and we leave room for the unexpected. The walks are organized on foot or by bike, the nights are reserved with the locals or in an Airbnb, we are interested in ancestral know-how, we encourage local gastronomy and we banish travel memories "made in China ". Because slow tourism goes beyond slowness; it advocates respect for the environment and sustainable development.”

3. Take the time

I know you haven't finished your patio, or there are still plenty of things to do at home and I'm not telling you not to do them, but I just want to remind you that holidays are for recharge, a question of surviving the frantic pace that we already impose on ourselves throughout the year. (even I need to remind myself of that every once in a while!) So take some time out to do what you enjoy, reading, picnicking, walking, biking, antique shopping or just sleep in your hammock.

Go on! Good holidays!

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