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Slow life

  • Chocolat chaud et autres petites joies hivernales
    January 19, 2019 Valerie Rondeau

    Hot chocolate and other little winter joys

    Y makes fretttte! Yes I know that we are freezing, that we have to dress the children with 32 thicknesses and that we have to clear the car...

    But,... “When it rains, look for rainbows. When it's dark, look for stars.“
    -Oscar Wilde
    How about practicing gratitude for winter?
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  • November 15, 2017 Valerie Rondeau

    Counter the grayness of November

    November already. I'm one of those who don't particularly like November because the light is scarce and everything seems to be in a state of latency. Being very sensitive to my environment, it affects me a lot. But over time, I learned to take advantage of it by including small moments of well-being in my daily life. I will share with you here, one tip per week throughout the month.
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