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Fall in love with copper

Copper is the ultimate vintage accessory right now.
Normal that we see it everywhere, copper is a noble material that crosses time and immediately fits perfectly into the philosophy of slow movement.

In design, it is a master key. Polished or brushed, it blends with all colors and all styles: Scandinavian, industrial, bohemian, modern, but above all it refers to the French style.

At home, to rediscover the charm of the decor of yesteryear, I especially like to use it in the kitchen. And this, even more since I know that copper kitchen instruments and accessories are naturally antibacterial! (Hospitals in Europe have also chosen to equip all the doors of their establishment with copper handles, for a matter of public health.)

Finally, I also learned that copper could be recycled, several times, without its qualities being diminished. And since its performance will remain intact, it promises to be available for future generations.

In short, I love copper! Even if he is not likely to crack anytime soon... ;)

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