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Would you like to experience more gratitude?

Gratitude or the art of enjoying simple pleasures

The majority of us are all a little dissatisfied with our lives and would like so much more. More money, more time, more love, etc...
But how can one expect to receive more when one hardly appreciates what one already has. Tony Robbins said " success without gratitude is the biggest failure at all " It's true, what's the point of climbing the ladder and getting tired if in the end we don't get any satisfaction?

The best option for me was to write a gratitude journal because when you start taking inventory of your life, you realize that despite the temporary difficulties, there are many things around us, however simple- them to enhance our lives.

Practicing gratitude is not necessarily a common thing. That's why having a journal is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to create a habit.

Since doing this exercise, I find myself thanking almost everything on a daily basis. From the small bouquet of flowers on the edge of the window, to the first sip of coffee in the morning, to the smiles of people passing by.

Try! It will surely be one of the simplest habits you will have to adopt, but above all the one that changes everything because it is in the smallest details that the flavor of life is revealed.

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