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Holiday and rest guide


Holiday & rest guide

holiday guide
& rest

Find your rhythm to dissipate stress.
By: VALERIE ANNE WHITE Date: June 22, 2019

Find your rhythm to dissipate stress.
By: VALERIE ANNE WHITE Date: June 22, 2019

“Finally, the holidays are fast approaching and we are all a bit in planning mode. You have to tell yourself: it's a dream while waiting for the big annual rest! Still, resting isn't the most glamorous response. Rest is even associated with something boring. On the contrary, being busy has become THE sign of importance of the century. »

“In another era, I created the sets for the various rooms in a renowned furniture store. I chose the bedding, the color of the walls, the accessories and the furniture. Picture frames, I've hung hundreds and hundreds of them in my life. And for some time now, I have seen beautiful gallery walls on several of my favorite Instagram accounts. »

Unfortunately, the action is much more attractive and associated with pleasure, however we too often forget that it must be counterbalanced in order to create a certain balance.
This is why it is also important to make room for spaces where the pace is slower, where nothing is in the press or on the schedule, where sleeping and lounging are on the menu to finally catch your breath and taste the quiet happiness too often obstructed by the daily race. So, even if the temptation to do everything and see everything remains present, let's avoid overbooking , do less, choose better and live fully.

It also makes me want to do it again! But since I don't have big walls at home and I no longer work in a store, I thought I would satisfy this creative impulse that spring brings back to life… by giving you my best tips and my inspirations!

Making a gallery wall worthy of a magazine is a complex art and some will not risk it for lack of confidence, but with these little tricks there is no reason to be afraid.

Rest is never so fruitful and nourishing when you wait until you really need it. Because then it is no longer rest, but recovery. And this takes much longer and is much more demanding and painful than punctuating your daily life with small doses of peace and relaxation.


Long neglected, self-care is everywhere today. We know that when we take the time to truly rest and nurture our soul, then and only then can we be full of vitality and ready to offer all that is best in ourselves to others. Now all that remains is to apply it

Have you ever heard of tempo giusto? Carl Honoré talks about it, precisely, in his book Praise of slowness . It's about finding the right rhythm for each of us, finding a better balance between speed and slowness and adopting the right tempo (the tempo giusto: an Italian word meaning the right time) between activity and rest, work and free time.
More and more people are slowing down either by working fewer hours or by taking time daily to meditate, cook, take a walk, do yoga, practice mindfulness or other activities.
There is no universal recipe. Everyone can find their own tempo that will allow them to live better. The author proves how slowing down can boost overall well-being. Vacation time might be the perfect time to start applying the principles of tempo giusto and to observe the benefits that come from it.

Scientists say it: those who live in consideration of the rhythms would be healthier. Come to think of it, life is like that. Everything is rhythmic, from the seasons to the phases of the moon to our breathing.

By definition, rhythm is the return at regular intervals of a constant benchmark; alternating strong and weak times. So, if we follow the logic, our internal melody needs to be punctuated with slowness to then give full force to instants of high speed and vice versa. Because the slow life is not about being an eternal lazy person and doing nothing; it's reconnecting with your body to hear the melody and find the right rhythm. And the more you are connected, the more likely you are to hear a masterpiece. The less we are, the more cacophonous it is.

Dissipate the stress
Better quality of sleep
Vitality and enthusiasm
Feeling of satisfaction

Since the holidays are a less busy, or should I say, less accountable time, I suggest you start introducing yourself to the rhythm. Be present and attentive to the signs to then continue the year in a slower, more grounded and less stressed state.
It will be easier to listen, sometimes a day, to take a moment to do an inner scan and to question what we are going through. Maybe I'm restless, because I have to finish a job as soon as possible. So there are several alternatives: break the rhythm by taking a short 15 minutes to come back with clearer ideas, continue, but take a good rest once finished. It depends, testing each of the alternatives is the best way to find out what works best for us. You can be a pop, jazz, classical, folk song, that's up to you.
But one thing is certain, no masterpiece keeps the same pace from start to finish. Ditto for life, so allocate periods. Schedule them. It can be 1, 2 or 3 moments of me time per day: one day when nothing is on the schedule per week, or 1 day per month when I do an activity just for me. It all depends on the needs felt!

With that, I'm going to go and establish mine, because I'll be on vacation from Monday June 24th until July 7th! So, we'll talk again in two short weeks!

As it is eclectic, we can put everything that speaks to us or that touches our heart: painting, illustration, photos, portrait, vintage frame of different sizes. What I like is to mix in a distinctive object: it can be a mirror, a clock or a beautiful wall candle holder. This addition helps break up the rigid rhythm of rectangular shapes.

You can put whatever you want, but there are rules to follow to create visual harmony. The trick is to create links by choosing similar colors, materials or textures. For example, here, it seems heterogeneous, but the gold is found in two of the frames, then the black of some paintings is also found in the frames of others and the silver of the mirror in the left frame. Nothing is left to chance!!!

Start by cutting out the shapes of your frames and objects from kraft paper, newspaper or cardboard. Then, lay them out on the ground to do tests by choosing a centerpiece (often the largest) and embroidering around it. For example, here the centerpiece is the frame with trees. In the visual sequence, we first look at her. The eye will continue to read the whole afterwards. This piece is therefore given a central location.



In the meantime, if you're looking for great suggestions for your vacation, here are mine!

Praise of slowness

Succeed without failing

Rest: why you get more done when you work less

The middle of your frame or your composition must reach your eye level, approximately 5'.

I have hung over 1000 frames in my life and only one has fallen off.. oops, yes, but that was because I had hung so many frames often in the same place that there was nothing solid left ! But what I mean is that it is not necessary to put butterfly screws or dowels that make holes as big as dollars. A simple frame hook is enough or a good old nail driven at 45 degrees if the frame is small.

And if your boyfriend freaks out because you're going to MAKE HOLES IN THE WALL, there's always that.

In the end, it must form an entity as if it became a single frame. Generally, the space between each piece should be a maximum of 2 to 3''.

There may be gaps, I advise to leave only one at most 2 and the gap should not exceed 10''.


For composition, some like to fill the walls. Personally, my philosophy is as usual: less is more. That is to say that if you fill your wall completely, you will inevitably miss a few frames in passing in your reading. The eye will no longer know what to look at and will be led to look elsewhere. So, even if you like 25 frames, go for it by elimination to keep only the best choices and above all don't hesitate to choose larger works than several small ones. Believe me the result will speak for itself!

“So, we start from a centerpiece and we do a reading in a circle (or rectangle) to come back to the centerpiece. »

Here are examples of composition that are in my opinion the most successful... (Because, yes, I also studied art history and believe me, composition is the key to the greatest conductors 👩🏻‍🎨 Nothing is left to chance! )

If you want to do a complete wall, you have to treat it as a complete work; as if it were a large painting. It doesn't have to be straight, but you will have to draw an imaginary rectangle on your wall in which you will work. Then, the chosen pieces should be aesthetically similar in terms of colors, materials and finishes.

With these tricks, you can't go wrong, but if you like to dare, know that the rules are also made to be broken!

Need vacation essentials?

Want to make a gallery wall
you too ?



Seen on my favorite accounts of the moment:

About On my x:

IMAGINE a world where his lifestyle would have little impact on the environment and where his happiness index would see a considerable increase. 

At Sur mon x, this is the bet we took on… 

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Follow us on Instagram!

Essentials to savor the summer

“Finally, the holidays are fast approaching and we are all a bit in planning mode. You have to tell yourself: it's a dream while waiting for the big annual rest! Still, resting isn't the most glamorous response. Rest is even associated with something boring. On the contrary, being busy has become THE sign of importance of the century. »

Unfortunately, the action is much more attractive and associated with pleasure, however we too often forget that it must be counterbalanced in order to create a certain balance.
This is why it is also important to make room for spaces where the pace is slower, where nothing is in the press or on the schedule, where sleeping and lounging are on the menu to finally catch your breath and taste the quiet happiness too often obstructed by the daily race. So, even if the temptation to do everything and see everything remains present, let's avoid overbooking , do less, choose better and live fully.

Rest is never so fruitful and nourishing when you wait until you really need it. Because then it is no longer rest, but recovery. And this takes much longer and is much more demanding and painful than punctuating your daily life with small doses of peace and relaxation.


Long neglected, self-care is everywhere today. We know that when we take the time to truly rest and nurture our soul, then and only then can we be full of vitality and ready to offer all that is best in ourselves to others. Now all that remains is to apply it

Have you ever heard of tempo giusto? Carl Honoré talks about it, precisely, in his book Praise of slowness . It's about finding the right rhythm for each of us, finding a better balance between speed and slowness and adopting the right tempo (the tempo giusto: an Italian word meaning the right time) between activity and rest, work and free time.
More and more people are slowing down either by working fewer hours or by taking time daily to meditate, cook, take a walk, do yoga, practice mindfulness or other activities.
There is no universal recipe. Everyone can find their own tempo that will allow them to live better. The author proves how slowing down can boost overall well-being. Vacation time might be the perfect time to start applying the principles of tempo giusto and to observe the benefits that come from it.

Scientists say it: those who live in consideration of the rhythms would be healthier. Come to think of it, life is like that. Everything is rhythmic, from the seasons to the phases of the moon to our breathing.

By definition, rhythm is the return at regular intervals of a constant benchmark; alternating strong and weak times. So, if we follow the logic, our internal melody needs to be punctuated with slowness to then give full force to instants of high speed and vice versa. Because the slow life is not about being an eternal lazy person and doing nothing; it's reconnecting with your body to hear the melody and find the right rhythm. And the more you are connected, the more likely you are to hear a masterpiece. The less we are, the more cacophonous it is.

Dissipate the stress
Better quality of sleep
Vitality and enthusiasm
Feeling of satisfaction

Since the holidays are a less busy, or should I say, less accountable time, I suggest you start introducing yourself to the beat. Be present and attentive to the signs to then continue the year in a slower, more grounded and less stressed state.
It will be easier to listen, sometimes a day, to take a moment to do an inner scan and to question what we are going through. Maybe I'm restless, because I have to finish a job as soon as possible. So there are several alternatives: break the rhythm by taking a short 15 minutes to come back with clearer ideas, continue, but take a good rest once finished. It depends, testing each of the alternatives is the best way to find out what works best for us. You can be a pop, jazz, classical, folk song, that's up to you.
But one thing is certain, no masterpiece keeps the same pace from start to finish. Ditto for life, so allocate periods. Schedule them. It can be 1, 2 or 3 moments of me time per day: one day when nothing is on the schedule per week, or 1 day per month when I do an activity just for me. It all depends on the needs felt!

With that, I'm going to go and establish mine, because I'll be on vacation from Monday June 24th until July 7th! So, we'll talk again in two short weeks!


In the meantime, if you're looking for great suggestions for your vacation, here are mine!

Praise of slowness

Succeed without failing

Rest: why you get more done when you work less

Need vacation essentials?


“Finally, the holidays are fast approaching and we are all a bit in planning mode. You have to tell yourself: it's a dream while waiting for the big annual rest! Still, resting isn't the most glamorous response. Rest is even associated with something boring. On the contrary, being busy has become THE sign of importance of the century. »

“Finally, the holidays are fast approaching and we are all a bit in planning mode. You have to tell yourself: it's a dream while waiting for the big annual rest! Still, resting isn't the most glamorous response. Rest is even associated with something boring. On the contrary, being busy has become THE sign of importance of the century. »

Unfortunately, the action is much more attractive and associated with pleasure, however we too often forget that it must be counterbalanced in order to create a certain balance.
This is why it is also important to make room for spaces where the pace is slower, where nothing is in the press or on the schedule, where sleeping and lounging are on the menu to finally catch your breath and taste the quiet happiness too often obstructed by the daily race. So, even if the temptation to do everything and see everything remains present, let's avoid overbooking , do less, choose better and live fully.

Unfortunately, the action is much more attractive and associated with pleasure, however we too often forget that it must be counterbalanced in order to create a certain balance.
This is why it is also important to make room for spaces where the pace is slower, where nothing is in the press or on the schedule, where sleeping and lounging are on the menu to finally catch your breath and taste the quiet happiness too often obstructed by the daily race. So, even if the temptation to do everything and see everything remains present, let's avoid overbooking , do less, choose better and live fully.

Rest is never so fruitful and nourishing when you wait until you really need it. Because then it is no longer rest, but recovery. And this takes much longer and is much more demanding and painful than punctuating your daily life with small doses of peace and relaxation.


Long neglected, self-care is everywhere today. We know that when we take the time to truly rest and nurture our soul, then and only then can we be full of vitality and ready to offer all that is best in ourselves to others. Now all that remains is to apply it

Have you ever heard of tempo giusto? Carl Honoré talks about it, precisely, in his book Praise of slowness . It's about finding the right rhythm for each of us, finding a better balance between speed and slowness and adopting the right tempo (the tempo giusto: an Italian word meaning the right time) between activity and rest, work and free time.
More and more people are slowing down either by working fewer hours or by taking time daily to meditate, cook, take a walk, do yoga, practice mindfulness or other activities.
There is no universal recipe. Everyone can find their own tempo that will allow them to live better. The author proves how slowing down can boost overall well-being. Vacation time might be the perfect time to start applying the principles of tempo giusto and to observe the benefits that come from it.

Scientists say it: those who live in consideration of the rhythms would be healthier. Come to think of it, life is like that. Everything is rhythmic, from the seasons to the phases of the moon to our breathing.

By definition, rhythm is the return at regular intervals of a constant benchmark; alternating strong and weak times. So, if we follow the logic, our internal melody needs to be punctuated with slowness to then give full force to instants of high speed and vice versa. Because the slow life is not about being an eternal lazy person and doing nothing; it's reconnecting with your body to hear the melody and find the right rhythm. And the more you are connected, the more likely you are to hear a masterpiece. The less we are, the more cacophonous it is.

Dissipate the stress
Better quality of sleep
Vitality and enthusiasm
Feeling of satisfaction

Since the holidays are a less busy, or should I say, less accountable time, I suggest you start introducing yourself to the beat. Be present and attentive to the signs to then continue the year in a slower, more grounded and less stressed state.
It will be easier to listen, sometimes a day, to take a moment to do an inner scan and to question what we are going through. Maybe I'm restless, because I have to finish a job as soon as possible. So there are several alternatives: break the rhythm by taking a short 15 minutes to come back with clearer ideas, continue, but take a good rest once finished. It depends, testing each of the alternatives is the best way to find out what works best for us. You can be a pop, jazz, classical, folk song, that's up to you.
But one thing is certain, no masterpiece keeps the same pace from start to finish. Ditto for life, so allocate periods. Schedule them. It can be 1, 2 or 3 moments of me time per day: one day when nothing is on the schedule per week, or 1 day per month when I do an activity just for me. It all depends on the needs felt!

With that, I'm going to go and establish mine, because I'll be on vacation from Monday June 24th until July 7th! So, we'll talk again in two short weeks!

Rest is never so fruitful and nourishing when you wait until you really need it. Because then it is no longer rest, but recovery. And this takes much longer and is much more demanding and painful than punctuating your daily life with small doses of peace and relaxation.


Long neglected, self-care is everywhere today. We know that when we take the time to truly rest and nurture our soul, then and only then can we be full of vitality and ready to offer all that is best in ourselves to others. Now all that remains is to apply it

Have you ever heard of tempo giusto? Carl Honoré talks about it, precisely, in his book Praise of slowness . It's about finding the right rhythm for each of us, finding a better balance between speed and slowness and adopting the right tempo (the tempo giusto: an Italian word meaning the right time) between activity and rest, work and free time.
More and more people are slowing down either by working fewer hours or by taking time daily to meditate, cook, take a walk, do yoga, practice mindfulness or other activities.
There is no universal recipe. Everyone can find their own tempo that will allow them to live better. The author proves how slowing down can boost overall well-being. Vacation time might be the perfect time to start applying the principles of tempo giusto and to observe the benefits that come from it.

Scientists say it: those who live in consideration of the rhythms would be healthier. Come to think of it, life is like that. Everything is rhythmic, from the seasons to the phases of the moon to our breathing.

By definition, rhythm is the return at regular intervals of a constant benchmark; alternating strong and weak times. So, if we follow the logic, our internal melody needs to be punctuated with slowness to then give full force to instants of high speed and vice versa. Because the slow life is not about being an eternal lazy person and doing nothing; it's reconnecting with your body to hear the melody and find the right rhythm. And the more you are connected, the more likely you are to hear a masterpiece. The less we are, the more cacophonous it is.

Dissipate the stress
Better quality of sleep
Vitality and enthusiasm
Feeling of satisfaction

Since the holidays are a less busy, or should I say, less accountable time, I suggest you start introducing yourself to the rhythm. Be present and attentive to the signs to then continue the year in a slower, more grounded and less stressed state.
It will be easier to listen, sometimes a day, to take a moment to do an inner scan and to question what we are going through. Maybe I'm restless, because I have to finish a job as soon as possible. So there are several alternatives: break the rhythm by taking a short 15 minutes to come back with clearer ideas, continue, but take a good rest once finished. It depends, testing each of the alternatives is the best way to find out what works best for us. You can be a pop, jazz, classical, folk song, that's up to you.
But one thing is certain, no masterpiece keeps the same pace from start to finish. Ditto for life, so allocate periods. Schedule them. It can be 1, 2 or 3 moments of me time per day: one day when nothing is on the schedule per week, or 1 day per month when I do an activity just for me. It all depends on the needs felt!

With that, I'm going to go and establish mine, because I'll be on vacation from Monday June 24th until July 7th! So, we'll talk again in two short weeks!



In the meantime, if you're looking for great suggestions for your vacation, here are mine!

Praise of slowness

Succeed without failing

Rest: why you get more done when you work less

In the meantime, if you're looking for great suggestions for your vacation, here are mine!

Praise of slowness

Succeed without failing

Rest: why you get more done when you
work less

Need vacation essentials?

Need vacation essentials?



About On my x:

IMAGINE a world where his lifestyle would have little impact on the environment and where his happiness index would see a considerable increase. 

At Sur mon x, this is the bet we took on… 

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Essentials to savor the summer

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