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Slow life

  • December 30, 2017 Valerie Rondeau

    Resolutions and Accomplishments

    At the end of the year, it's time to take stock, because it's the end of a cycle and those who practice this simple activity, come out a winner in my opinion. I suggest you all do this very small activity because first of all, it is with a step back and an outside look at our life that we can analyze it and finally, improve it. Two, it's a slow moment that you can treat yourself to just for yourself, to write, think, contemplate, reinvent... accompanied by a tea or coffee, in a dressing gown, it's even better!

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  • December 18, 2017 Valerie Rondeau

    Gift wrapping, 3 simple alternatives

    At home, long before Pinterest, I was always the packaging queen. My whole family asked me to wrap their presents. So, I knew everyone's gifts, but above all I had fun creating little treasures.

    Today, I still like to embellish my gifts, but since commercial wrapping paper is mostly non-recyclable and burning it releases toxins into the environment, I changed my way of doing things a bit. If like me, you want to diversify, here are 3 packaging options which, in addition to being natural and recyclable, are of unparalleled beauty and simplicity.

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  • November 15, 2017 Valerie Rondeau

    Counter the grayness of November

    November already. I'm one of those who don't particularly like November because the light is scarce and everything seems to be in a state of latency. Being very sensitive to my environment, it affects me a lot. But over time, I learned to take advantage of it by including small moments of well-being in my daily life. I will share with you here, one tip per week throughout the month.
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